June 2, 2017 - Hawaii bound

Day #1 - June 2, 2017

What a hectic week!  School wrapped up yesterday and early today we headed to the airport.  Of all trips that I have planned, this trip had the most changes.  It started as a two weeks vacation with The Nguyen Clan to Kauai and Oahu, and then we added another two weeks to South Korea to vacation with The Pon Clan.  It was going to be an epic summer vacation!  Plans needed to be changed when Russ got laid off and then started a new job.  His new boss frowned upon a month long vacation but he finally agreed to three weeks instead.
So today, Russell dropped us off at Oakland Airport to start our vacation without him and went to work.  I told him that I will miss him a little bit. (a sentimental joke).  We breezed through Security and met up with the rest of the gang at the gate.  My parents, Hanh's family, Moses' family were all there.  David's family left on an earlier flight.  The kids behaved on the flight but Mikey has this talent of waking me up just when I fell asleep.
The last time I was in Kauai was 17 years ago.  A lot has changed.  It's no longer a sleepy island but crowded with tourist and traffic.  It took us an hour to get to Princeville to our rental house.  The 6000 sq ft house was beautiful with an amazing view of the ocean.  It took a while to strategize room and sleep arrangements.  Mom, Dad, Moses, and Adriane did a Costco while Hanh, Vincent, Lucas and I did some local grocery shopping.  We enjoyed Com Tam for dinner prepared by Mom, Co Nhung, and Tiffanie.  We were able to watch the sunset from the comforts of our lanai.


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